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DEL Time: 07:45
Request For: Pro Hockey
Request Title: Hockey Realignment
Description As a precursor for updating the pro hockey playoff format, both HEL and NOHL need to be realigned to have two divisions per conference. Note the HEL season will end January 17, and NOHL season will end April 18.
Category: New Feature
Status: Completed (last updated Jan 19 12:10:49 2019
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes The pro hockey leagues have been realigned to two divisions in each conference. (I had hoped to do it only for HEL, whose season just ended, but that is a switch that needs to be made at the same time for all leagues.)
HEL has also been given an expansion team to get to 31 total teams (8 teams per division except Central). NOHL's expansion and realignment will come mid-April once their season is done.
Submitted Jan 3 17:22:26 2019
by Andy Dolphin
Coaches In Favor of Change: Andy Dolphin, Dick Butkus, Matthew Reid
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
Matthew Reid: Agreed to mirror current NHL division\playoff structure
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