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DEL Time: 07:49
Request For: Pro Basketball
Request Title: Basketball Finances
It would be nice if the finances would more likely mirror that of the NBA. There's no such thing as 10 year deals etc...
The longest contract in free agency should be 5 years and if you hold bird rights(3 or more seasons on your team or traded from another team) you can sign a player up to 6 years. I'm not going to go into every single detail/rule but it would be nice if some of the finances or rules would be adjusted. The NBA uses a soft cap unlike the NFL which uses a hard. I believe if you used the BEL to mirror the NBA finances, we could actually get a full league as I've talked to a lot of people that won't play because of the finances.

Category: Enhancement
Status: Completed (last updated Nov 28 19:41:55 2019 )
Priority: Short Term

Admin Notes
Pro basketball contracts are being limited to seven seasons (for now). Most likely we will take a second step in the future (no current NBA player has more than a 5-year contract), but in order to prevent too much of a discrepancy between existing and new contract, we will make a partial change now.
If, after 6 months or so, another 1-2 year reduction in max contract lengths is warranted, please request via the "Change Requests" page.

Submitted Mar 16 04:49:21 2019 by Johnny Gunn
Coaches In Favor of Change: Johnny Gunn, Coach Hitch
Coaches Opposed to Change: Adnan Bislimovic

Adnan Bislimovic: I am against it because I want to keep the finances simple. so for me a hard cap is ok. If you want to change something with contracts let's talk about it. I personally would love to have the chance to extend a contract with players in my team because they are satisfied with the situation/salary/playing minutes etc.pp or are getting the same amount of salary like in the FA. One other point would be to have something like a upfront bonus like in former times.
Johnny Gunn: OK... Anything that makes it a bit more realistic works for me. Adnan, why are you against it? Look at Andy's comment below, he agrees about the hard cap staying in place. I think having player contracts to a 5 year max would be nice. A lot of players you got to throw a 10 year contract at them to get them, leaving the team with less flexibility. I know you can have team options and player options but that will get too complicated. Most free agents or at least the top players always test free agency for the most part, but lesser players are more likely to sign extensions in season. I don't want anything complicated either just maybe a few tweaks for more realism and fun.
Coach Hitch: I like the idea of a max of five or six years. It would also be nice to resign your own star players to a max contract. With that being said, it sounds like this might be hard to implement.

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