Request For: Pro and College All Sports
Request Title: Human Coach Team Tagging
I was wondering if we could have all the real coached teams in all sports with a star next to the team name in all pages.
example: Cbel/ACC
it would help with scheduling and rankings for tournaments.
Category: Enhancement
Status: Completed (last updated Mar 13 20:05:34 2020
Priority: Short Term
Admin Notes
Human-controlled teams will be designated with an asterisk after the team name in most web pages. (The asterisk will be avoided for the auto-generated e-mails.) If there are specific additional pages you would like to see designated as human-controlled, or if there are instances where the asterisk is unhelpful (or manages to make it into e-mails), please use the "Contact" link at the bottom of the page to provide details.
Submitted Feb 2 12:20:52 2020
by Ron BK
Coaches In Favor of Change: Ron BK, Coach Clipboard
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
Coach Clipboard (Feb 8 00:53:56 2020
): How about coach name (if human) next to team name with link to coach's record? I think this would be useful for a number of pages: team talent, team ratings, standings, etc. This could lead to no longer needing the "available teams" page, simplifying the interface.