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DEL Time: 08:00
Request For: Pro All Sports
Request Title: Cash Trade Limit
Description When trades are evaluated by the computer, there are two money-related thresholds that are applied:
- Trade must not put either team over its budget (combination of player salaries and any cash being traded)
- Total amount of cash traded away by a team over a season (minus any cash received on trades) cannot exceed its budget minus the league minimum budget.
The second threshold is mistakenly being applied to cash + salaries, meaning that a team whose budget is near the league minimum cannot trade for good players.
Category: Bug Resolution
Status: Completed (last updated Jun 16 18:44:03 2020
Priority: Top Priority
Admin Notes Trade evaluation criteria have been corrected, so that the "cash limit" threshold is only applied to cash that is part of a trade.
Submitted Jun 16 18:43:19 2020
by Andy Dolphin
Coaches In Favor of Change: Andy Dolphin
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
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