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DEL Time: 07:34
Request For: College Football
Request Title: Scholarship player cuts
Description I think it would enhance the game if coaches could cut (rather designate to cut) a small number of scholarship players every year.
- restricted to Juniors and Seniors
- limit of 5 or 6 per season (minimum 3 to make it useful)
- would have to be designated prior to season initialization
- these players go into the transfer portal/NR zone (I see no reason their talent would need to be considered by the sim in the recruits generation process but it could be just like the current transfers)
In addition, I would like to see the costs associated with inviting NR players be removed to better emulate the way the transfer portal is helping lower prestige teams IRL. I do not think this would impact the play for higher prestige teams at all. I also think that cutting players transferring unless given a scholarship should be blocked.
Given the total dominance of prestige is getting the best recruits (not complaining - its realistic) I think this would make the sim more fun for new coaches and lower prestige coaches.
Category: Enhancement
Status: In Review (last updated Jan 15 14:43:46 2024
Priority: Under Discussion
Admin Notes
Submitted Jan 10 11:55:54 2024
by Gregor Ellis
Coaches In Favor of Change: Gregor Ellis, Keenan Keeling, Red Burley, Jeff Blevins, Loren Smith
Coaches Opposed to Change: none
Jeff Blevins (Jun 10 14:55:57 2024
): A change like this would restrict you from designating a PTP player to be cut, right?
I think 5-6 is too much. Maybe 2 per season? I think teams need to be held accountable for some bad scholarships given out.
Loren Smith (Feb 15 15:32:26 2025
): I'll say ok, but should be at least a small ding to your prestige for pulling the scholarship. Future players might be more skeptical of your scholarship offer holding up for four years.
Gregor Ellis (Feb 18 23:11:36 2025
): Generally agree Loren and I don't think a small ding would be bad. Alternatively I think the transfer probabilities for schollie players who are Jr/Sr and not starters or top backup could just be increased and it would probably achieve the same results.
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