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DEL Time: 07:22
Request For: College All Sports
Request Title: Transfer Portal
Description Players should be far more eager to transfer given the transfer portal rules these days. Under the current rules in real life, even players who were starters and leading scorers for their team are willing to transfer, perhaps hoping to improve their exposure by playing for a more prestigious team, if only for a season.
I think EVERY player on the roster should have a > 0% chance of transferring at the end of each season. In particular:
* If the player's grade is far below the school's prestige - like an A/A player on a tier 3 team
* If the player's grade does not align with their playing time, like a B/A or A/A player for a tier 1 team who is not starting.
Neither of these conditions are reflected in current transfer algorithms as far as I can tell.
Category: Enhancement
Status: In Review (last updated Jun 9 11:17:00 2024
Priority: Under Discussion
Admin Notes
Submitted Jun 8 16:13:05 2024
by Stephen Thompson
Coaches In Favor of Change: Stephen Thompson, Red Burley, Charles Loring, Patrick Creaven
Coaches Opposed to Change: Jeff Blevins, Gregor Ellis
Jeff Blevins (Jun 10 14:49:27 2024
): As a coach that has a Tier 3 team I would not want to build a player up to an A/A and lose him just because it is Tier 3. I understand the concept behind it but that would be so frustrating.
This would seem to help the Top Prestige teams the most.
Stephen Thompson (Jun 10 16:11:04 2024
): Jeff, I think this actually hits the top teams harder. At Virginia Tech I couldn't just sit on a roster with ten A/A players. Those players would transfer to somewhere they can get more PT.
Red Burley (Jun 10 16:19:15 2024
): I like this idea, particularly having AA players transfer if they arent starting. Over the years, Ive gotten so tired of seeing a handful of teams with 4 or 5 AA/BA players sitting on the bench at each position. I think it would make things more realistic and competitive.
Gregor Ellis (Jun 15 17:34:20 2024
): The DEL recruiting system would have to be changed so that none of these transfers 'for playing time' would accept an offer that did not include immediate playing time before I could support this. I don't think a change to make them automatically demand playing time on their new team without a ptp would work.
Without that kind of change, we would probably see high prestige teams getting visits w/o offering ptp and then several of these players falling to those non-ptp offers and being in the same situation. I think this would bypass the intent of avoiding talent stockpiles and making the game more fun.
I agree that an AA player on any Tier 2 or 3 team, or any BA and AA players not getting sufficient playing time on a Tier 1 team (depending on their class and whether they are getting a reasonable % of DP) should probably have a non-zero transfer probability.
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