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DEL Time: 20:39
After the scrimmage line, give the number of minutes to run the scrimmage,
from 3 to 20, and the intensity of the scrimmage, given in terms of the
minutes per game being simulated. The following three lines will contain
your "A" squad information; the three lines after that will contain your
"B" squad information.
The first of the three lines for each squad is the five players to play
on the squad, listed in order of C, PF, SF, SG, PG. (Note: any player can be
listed to play any position, as in a normal game.) The second line lists
the nine coaching settings, as in the SITS lines of the
template command. Since the five players
for each side are set, there is no need for a secondary defense. Finally,
the last of the three lines for each squad lists the matchups it plays
when on defense, as per the MATCH line of the
template command. Matchups must be listed
by player ID number, rather than position, once again because all five
players are predetermined. If you want no matchups (or default matchups),
this third line should be left blank.
An optional line at the end can be inserted for offseason scrimmaging. The format is "Stats #", where # can be 1 to add the scrimmage stats to the player's stats or 2 to set the player's stats equal to his scrimmage stats.
The scrimmage will run until either one of the players sustains an injury
or until the time has expired. Once a scrimmage has been run, another may
not run until a game day has gone by (whether or not your team actually
played) unless during the offseason or during college selection week, in which case 10 may be run.
10 20
307 202 217 143 182
3 1 3 3 3 1 1 7 1
195 174 472 273 503
3 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
195 202 503 143
Will run a ten minute scrimmage that simulates the intensity of playing 20
minutes per game. The A squad contains player 307 (C), 202
(PF), ..., and 182 (PG). The options are 3-pass, 1 intentional foul, 3 play
with fouls, 3 press, 3 trap, straight offense, and 2-1-2 defense. The B
squad contains players 195-503, with the same options except for a straight
man defense, with player 195 guarding 202 and 503 guarding 143. Stats from
the scrimmage will be added to the player's stats.
A related command, PSCRIMMAGE, can be used to run a scrimmage with prototype players instead of your team's players. The advantage is that any number of prototype scimmages can be run between games.
The syntax is identical, except that the lines with the five player ID numbers are deleted. Matchups are specified with positions (C, PF, etc.) rather than the IDs.