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DEL Time: 21:14
After the scrimmage line, give the bench use to use during the scrimamge. This can be 0 (use your current "BU" settings), 1 (set all bench use to 5), or 2 (set all bench use to 1 and reverse the roster order). The final setting should use as many subs as possible. The next line should have the total number of plays you are running, which can range from 1 to 50.

Finally, list every play that you want to run, on each line. The line must contain the offensive package, offensive play number (0 to select any play at random), defensive package, defensive play number, situation, defensive key, and play effectiveness. Package and play numbers the same as seen in the box scores. Situation numbers are 1 (normal), 2 (short), 3 (long), 4 (red zone), 5 (goal line), and 6 (hurry up), and will affect the personnel if any specialists have been set. The defense can key on 1 (nothing), 2 (run), or 3 (pass). The play effectiveness is optional and ranges from -2.5 (the defense knows exactly what is coming) to 2.5 (the defense is completely confused). Omitting the effectiveness has the defense guessing as if it were a normal game.

Alternately, you may run a full game between split squads. To do this, the first line after "scrimage" (where you set your bench use) should be set to 3 ("A" squad is offensive starters and defensive reserves; "B" is offensive reserves and defensive starters), 4 (offensive and defensive starters vs. offensive and defensive reserves), or 5 (use regulars on both squads). No plays are listed; the plays are drawn from your playbook.

An optional line at the end can be inserted for offseason scrimmaging. The format is "Stats #", where # can be 1 to add the scrimmage stats to the player's stats or 2 to set the player's stats equal to his scrimmage stats.

Once a scrimmage has been run, another may not run until a game day has gone by (whether or not your team actually played), except during the offseason or the break before bowl announcements, at which times 10 scrimmages may be run.

  201 0 205 1 1 1
  210 0 205 1 1 1
  205 0 205 1 1 1
  220 0 204 1 1 1 -1.1
  220 0 204 1 1 1 +1.1
Will run a five-play scrimmage. The offensive plays are drawn at random from packages 201, 210, 205, and 220. The defensive plays are the first plays in packages 205 and 204. All plays are run using normal situation personnel with the defense not keying anything. The defense will guess well on the fourth play and poorly on the fifth. Player stats will be set to the stats from the scrimmage.
A related command, PSCRIMMAGE, can be used to run a scrimmage with prototype players instead of your team's players. The advantage is that any number of prototype scimmages can be run between games.

PSCRIMMAGE will run a full game with the prototype players and your curerent set of coaching orders. No additional commands are needed.

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