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DEL Time: 21:02
After the scrimmage line, give the eight defensive players by ID number, in order C, 1B, 2B, 3B, SS, LF, CF, RF on the next line. The following line should contain the number of at-bats in the scrimmage, and each following line should list the batter and pitcher for a single at-bat. At-bats will be run in the order listed.

An optional line at the end can be inserted for offseason scrimmaging in college leagues. The format is "Stats #", where # can be 1 to add the scrimmage stats to the player's stats or 2 to set the player's stats equal to his scrimmage stats.

Once a scrimmage has been run, another may not run until a game day has gone by (whether or not your team actually played), except during the offseason and selection week, when 10 scrimmages may be run.

  2303 270 763 47 1505 6516 5776 456
  270 3237
  270 6527
  270  254
  456 5777
  456 6500
Will have the eight players on the field in defense. Five at-bats are run, with pitchers 3237, 6527, 254, 5777, and 6500. Player 270 takes the first three at-bats; player 456 the final two. (Note that it is possible for player 270 to field his own hits; this is allowed for simplicity.) Scrimmage stats will be added to the player's stats.

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