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DEL Time: 01:26
The template command is used to set your depth charts and team strategies. A sample template command is below, with descriptions of each line following. Note that any line beginning with # is ignored by the game.
pos  C 307 195 174
pos PF 202 174 195 472 217
pos SF 217 472 163 202
pos SG 143 273 503 182
pos PG 182 503 273 143
order 307 202 217 143 182 195 174 472 163 273 503 997
match PG SG SF SF C PF
spa 143 503
spb 182 307 472
sps 202 217 143
sph 182 503 273
spr 307 195
key 143 217
group 0 3 202 217 143 2 2
group 0 2 273 503 1 1
group 0 4 174 195 472 163 1 2
capt 182 202
red 407 225
depth 307 0 0 202 1 0 217 2 2 143 3 1 182 4 4
sits 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1 9 1 7 1
sits 2 4 1 2 3 2 1 1 9 1 7 1
sits 3 3 3 5 3 3 1 1 9 1 7 1
sits 4 2 3 5 5 5 1 1 9 1 7 1
sits 5 4 1 2 2 2 1 1 9 1
sits 6 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 9 1
dkey 329
defs 260 412
defa 329
bu 4 4 5 3 4
train 2 2 0 1 1

First are the depth charts. For each position, you need to give the command
POS (position) (starter) (#1 backup) (#2 backup) (injury #1) (injury #2)
You must list at least three players; fourth or fifth players may be given and will only come in if one of the first three is injured or fouled out.

The order for listing players in depth charts and box scores is set with
ORDER (first) (second) ... (last)
This has no effect on the game.

Setting specific man-to-man matchups is done with
MATCH (def #1) (off #1) ... (last def) (last off)
Defensive players are your team, offensive your opponent's players. You can specify either specific players by ID, or positions. Positions not specifically matched up will be matched with the closest offensive position. (The example above would then have SG on PG and PF on C. Setting SF on SF was unnecessary). To erase a matchup, simply send the MATCH line without that one listed. If no defensive keys are set and at least one matchup is defined, the presence or absence of any matchups on the floor will cause the primary or secondary defense to be used, respectively.

Setting player assignments can be set with the SPS (shooters), SPH (ball handlers), SPR (rebounders), SPA (use ahead), and SPB (use behind) commands:
SPX (first) (second) ... (last)
All players listed will be given the particular assignments; any players previously given the assignment that are not listed have it removed. If a player is designated as a rebounder, he may not also be designated as a handler. SPA and SPB are only used in the second half.

Instructions for how to handle specific opposing defensive players can be set with DEFS (shoot freely) and DEFA (avoid) commands:
DEFX (first) (second) ... (last)
These commands produce very similar results as do the SP commands, but are directed towards the player being defended by a specific defensive player rather than towards a specific player on your team.

Up to two key players can be set with
KEY (player #1) (player #2)
The players here will be more likely to be used in critical situations. You may list 0, 1, or 2 players after the KEY command.

Your rotation can be controlled with the GROUP and CLEARGROUPS commands:
GROUP (group #) (# players) (player 1) ... (last player) (min/max) (limit)
The group number should be 0 to define a new group or 1-5 to modify an existing group. You can set from 1 to 6 players in the group, who must be listed by their ID numbers. The min/max value is 1 if setting the most of those players that should be on the floor at once or 2 if setting the minimum number that should be on the floor at once. The limit value can be 1 to 4. A game will always try to begin with your four starters, with all later substitutions made in accordance with the GROUP rules if possible. The command CLEARGROUPS can be used to erase all groups.

Preferred offensive depths for players can be set with the command
DEPTH (player #1) (general #1) (shooting #1) (player #2) ... (last player shooting)
Each player can be given a rating for about how far from the basket you want him on offense ("general"), and about how far you want him to shoot from ("shooting"). 0 is inside; 4 is perimeter.

Coaching preferences in different situations are set with
SITS (situation) (pace) (motion) (play w/foul) (press) (trap) (shooting) (sht amount) (defense) (def amount) (2nd defense) (2nd def amount)
Situation numbers are:

  • 1: early game
  • 2: late and ahead by more than 3
  • 3: late and within 3
  • 4: late and behind by more than 3
  • 5: blowout win
  • 6: blowout loss
Pace can be 1-5 pass in college and 1-4 pass in pro. Intentional fouling, motion, press, and trap are 1-5 options, with 1 being little and 5 being a lot. Shooting means where you try to take shots from, and the amount of priority given that part of the floor. Choices for shooting are:
  • 1: straight
  • 2: inside
  • 3: medium
  • 4: perimeter
Amount for straight must be 1. For the others, it can range from 1 (20% extra emphasis) to 5 (100% extra emphasis). Choices for defense are:
  • 1: straight
  • 2: double inside
  • 3: double medium
  • 4: double outside
  • 5: double player
  • 6: 2-3 zone
  • 7: 2-1-2 zone
  • 8: 3-2 zone
  • 9: matchup zone
  • 10: box and 1 zone/man
For the double defenses, you can set the amount of the time you want the double-team in effect, from 1 (20%) to 5 (100%). For straight and zone, the amount must be 1. The two secondary defense options can be omitted, which will cause the team to use the primary defense at all times.

Up to two defensive key players can be set with
DKEY (player #1) (player #2)
If you have any defensive key players defined, the presence of any of them on the court will cause you to use your primary defense and the absence of all of them will cause you to use your secondary defense. You may list 0, 1, or 2 players after the DKEY command. Note that these players should be opposing players, not your players.

Bench usage is last, given with the command
BU (C) (PF) (SF) (SG) (PG) (reserve win) (reserve loss)
These values can range from 1 (hardly use bench at all) to 5 (equal playing time as starter). Reserve win and loss refer to putting reserves in the game in blowouts. 1 means you never do it, 3 average, 5 the most. The formula is 10 points + X points/minute, where X is 1 with a selection of 5, 1.5 with 4, 2 with 3, and 2.5 with 2.

You can also redshirt players in college basketball, with
RED (player 1) (player 2) ... (last player)
Redshirting a player will prevent him from playing, and if redshirted for the entire season, will gain an extra year of eligibility. Note that a player who has redshirted a previous year cannot redshirt again.

In the pro game, you can assign a captain and an assitant captain, with
CAPT (captain) (assistant)
This is for show more than anything in basketball, as the captain has minimal impact on his team.

Finally, the game training options are given by
TRAIN (shoot) (pass) (defense) (condition) (films)
You may use up to six training points, but the more you train the more fatigued your team will play.

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