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DEL Time: 01:35
The template command is used to set your depth charts and team strategies. A sample template command is below, with descriptions of each line following. Note that any line beginning with # is ignored by the game.
order 316 173 217 59 12 137
 390 54 386 513 457 254 434 243
 79 72 314 204 182 177 482 499
sps 173 217
sph 59 72 314
spp 457 173 59 72 204
plopt 316 0 7 173 1 7 217 1 7 79 3 7
kicks 1 390 12 72 204 434
kicks 2 173 217 316 12 79
kicks 3 390 12 72 204 434
kicks 4 390 12 72 204 434
kicks 5 173 217 316 12 79
sub 0 1 177  2 482 499  2  4 3
sub 0 3 316 173 217  5 173 217 59 12 137  5  4 3
sub 0 5 390 54 386 513 457  5 513 457 254 434 243  5  4 3
sub 0 3 79 72 314  5 204 182 177 482 499  5  4 3
sit 1 3 0 3 5 2 2 3 1 2 1 3
sit 2 3 0 3 5 2 3 3 1 2 1 3
sit 3 3 0 3 4 3 4 3 3 2 1 4
sit 4 3 0 4 5 1 1 3 1 2 1 3
sit 5 3 0 3 5 2 3 3 1 2 1 3
sit 6 3 0 3 4 3 4 2 4 2 1 4
match 72 194 DF FD
capt 316 72
train 0 1 1 1 0 1

The order for listing players in depth charts and box scores is set with
ORDER (first) (second) ... (last)
Players higher up on the list will be picked as the starters (pending the starter option in PLOPT of course) over other players at the same position, but otherwise this command has no effect on game play.

Next are the assisgnments, set with the SPS, SPH, and SPP commands
SPX (first) (second) ... (last)
You can assign a player as a striker, a handler, or a passer. A player can be given multiple assignments. All players listed in the line will be set to that assignment, all other players on the team will have that assignment cleared.

Player options can be set with the PLOPT command
PLOPT (1st player) (side) (starter) (2nd player) (side) (starter) ... (last player) (side) (starter)
You need not list all players in this line; only the players listed will have their options changed. The side value can be 0 (anywhere), 1 (left), 2 (middle), or 3 (right), and affect where a player tries to line up on the field. The starter option can be 0 (never start), 1-6 (start if rest value is at least 100, 95, 90, 85, 80, or 75), or 7 (always available to start).

Selections for kick takers are made with the KICKS command
KICKS (type) (first player) (second) ... (last)
The type can by 1 (corner), 2 (short free), 3 (long free), 4 (indirect free), or 5 (penalty). You may list up to 15 players to take each kick. For any kick that comes during play, the highest player on a list who is on the field will be chosen. For a penalty shootout, the first five will be chosen.

Substitution patterns can be cleared with SUBCLEAR

Substitution patterns can be set with SUB
SUB (sub number) (number of starters) (starters...) (number of subs listed) (subs...) (max # of subs) (situation 1) (situation parameter 1) (situation 2) (situation parameter 2)
This is undoubtedly the most complex of the coaching commands, but a great deal of control is needed because only three substitutions per game are allowed. Here is a rundown of the options:

  • Sub number: you can have up to 15 substitution patterns (numbered 1-15) defined for your team. A new one can be defined by choosing sub number 0; otherwise you may overwrite any old pattern by creating a new one with the same number.
  • Starters: you can set up to 5 starters to be affected by this pattern, and should list the the number of starters first followed by the players' ID numbers.
  • Substitutes: you can set up to 6 subs for the pattern, with the same format as the starters.
  • Max # of Subs: this should be set between 1 and 3, and sets the maximum number of substitutions that can happen in a game out of this pattern.
  • Situation 1: the situation to bring the subs in comes in two parts. First is the situation type, which can be 1 (ahead), 2 (tied), 3 (behind), 4 (fatigue), 5 (injury), or 6 (yellow card). The second can be 1 to 5 and gives the details. For ahead/tied/behind, it refers to the time left in the game: 1 is 10 minutes, 2 is 20, ..., 5 is 50. For fatigue, 1 is 50%, 2 is 60%, ..., 5 is 90%. Setting to 4 (fatigue) will also make a substitution if the starter is injured.
  • Situation 2: this is optional, but allows you to make a second situation the sub pattern can be activated under.

Coaching preferences can be set with the SIT command
SIT (situation) (use) (SW) (DF) (MF) (FD) (posture) (ball movement) (attack speed) (defense) (offside trap) (aggression)

  • Situation: 1=normal, 2=heavy attack, 3=attacking, 4=late/normal, 5=defensive, 6=heavy defense.
  • Use: use of the situation, from 1=least to 5=most.
  • SW, DF, MF, FD: the formation you want on the field. SW must be 0 or 1, DF 2 through 6, MF 3 through 7, and FD 1 through 5. The total of the four values must, of course, be ten.
  • Posture: 1-5 option, 1=brings the players back to cover your goal and 5 pushes them forward for a better attack.
  • Ball Movement: 1-4 option, 1=short passes, 2=long ball, 3=one-touch, and 4=one player.
  • Attack Speed: 1-5 option, 1=patient, 5=rushed attack.
  • Defense: Two types of defense. 1=free man, 2=zone. Free man is a nine-player zone, with the tenth playing man defense, usually against the opponents' best player.
  • Offside Trap: 1-5 option, 1=never, 5=most frequent.
  • Aggression: 1-5 option, 1=passive, 5=aggressive..

Setting specific man-to-man matchups is done with
MATCH (def #1) (off #1) ... (last def) (last off)
Defensive players are your team, offensive your opponent's players. Players must be listed by or position. The template reader will check to make sure that your specific player IDs are correct, but not the opponent IDs. To erase a matchup, simply send the MATCH line without that one listed. If in a zone defense, matchups are ignored. If in free man, the first matchup that is on the field is selected as the man matchup. You may list positions rather than players for one or both values. When making the matchup, the computer will select the highest player on your roster order for your player, and the "best" opposing player at the position listed.

You can assign a captain and an assitant captain with CAPT (captain) (assistant)
This is for show more than anything in soccer, as the captain has minimal impact on his team. A captain can only be assigned for a major league team.

Finally, the game training options are given by
TRAIN (shoot) (pass) (defense) (set plays) (condition) (films)
You may use up to six training points, but the more you train the more fatigued your team will be.

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