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DEL Time: 16:15
In addition to the standard template commands, a few extras exist that may only be run by commissioner. In addition to those listed below, the ctrade command will give additional information if run by the commissioner. The trade, change-pos, cuts, minorpos, minors, and buyout commands can also be run by the commissioner, with fewer safeguards than if run by the teams.

To run any of these commands (or the beefed-up team commands listed above), use a "team: admin" line in place of your normal team line.

AUTOALIGN: re-align league (pro only, not soccer)

Autoalign will re-align your league. In football and baseball, each conference/league will be re-aligned separately (in other words, no AFC teams will be moved to the NFC or vice-versa). In basketball and hockey, the whole league is re-aligned together. Alignments are made geographically, as set by the region choices, and preserve the number of teams in each division.

Side Effects: None, unless you intend to stick strictly to real-life divisional assignments.

AUTOSORT: sort divisions by team names (pro only)

Autosort will sort the divisions alphabetically by team names. Aside from giving the league a nicer appearance, it has little effect.

Side Effects: Non.

BUBBLE: list relevant information for tourney selections (college only)

This command will return information for every team in the league: the record, conference record, non-conference record, conference, and results against all top 40 teams.

Side Effects: None

FINE: levy fine or give gift (pro only)

Following the fine line should be a line with the team's name, followed by a line with the amount to modify the team's finances by. The amount can be negative (the team is fined) or positive (gift is given), but cannot exceed 500 million and must be divisible by 0.01.


will give the Astros 0.08 million and fine the Dodgers 24.2 million.

Side Effects: None, except that a gift does not count towards a team's budget. So if you are trying to get a team under budget, this won't do it.

GETMOVES: get list of promoted/demoted coaches (college only)

This command should not be used in general, but can be helpful if the commissioner accidentally lost the initial list that was mailed to the whole league. (See side effect)

Side Effects: If games have been played since the initial list was mailed, the list may have changed.

NCAA: set NCAA tourney (college only)

After the NCAA line should come the teams in seed order, in the same format as a coaches' poll.

The CBasket tourney has four regions. The teams for each region should be listed in seed order, from the #1 to #16 seed in that region. Keep in mind that in the final four, the first region and fourth region champions play, and the second and third region champions play, when deciding on regions.

The CCoach "tourney" is the bowl games. Depending on the number of bowls currently running in the league, you should set the number of pairings.

The CHockey tourney has four regions. The teams for each region should be listed in seed order, from the #1 to #4 seed in that region. Keep in mind that in the frozen four, the first region and fourth region champions play, and the second and third region champions play, when deciding on regions.

The CManager tourney has eight regions. The teams for each region should be listed in seed order, from the #1 to #6 seed in that region. The College World Series will seed the eight regional champions in order of ranking, and therefore the order the regions are listed is of no importance.


Side Effects: You need to be careful that all conference champions are in your tournament seeds.

NIT: set NIT tourney (college basketball only)

After the NIT line should come the teams in seed order, in the same format as a coaches' poll. The CBasket tourney has four regions. The teams for each region should be listed in seed order, from the #1 to #10 seed in that region. Keep in mind that in the final four, the first region and fourth region champions play, and the second and third region champions play, when deciding on regions.


Side Effects: You need to ensure that there are no duplications between the NCAA and NIT lists.

POINTS: change a team's recruiting points (college only)

Following the points line should be pairs of lines with the team name first and number of points second. Note that this can only be done after a season is initialized and before recruiting is finished.


Will give Washington 10 points and Oregon 5 points.

Side Effects: If a team has already sent its invitations or recruiting, decreasing its number of recruiting points *might* really screw things up.

SANCTION: put team on/off sanctions (college only)

Following the sanction line should be the team names. If a team was on sanctions, they will be lifted. If not, the team will be placed under sanctions.


will flip the sanction status of those three teams.

Side Effects: None

SIGNFA: sign free agent (pro only)

This command will force players to be signed at that instant. This allows the commish to override nearly all checks built into the game regarding legal contracts, salary caps, and so on, so be sure to check a contract before sending it in this way. The format is to put the team name that will make the signing on the line following SIGNFA, and then lines following listing the players/coaches to sign.

Each line should start with the signing type (0=players signed at minimum salary or 2=players with specified salary), followed by the number of the player/coach, followed by the salary (if option 2 is used). The format of the salary is identical to the FA-BIDS commands. Note that this is slightly different from the general SIGNFA command, in that you must choose the signing type and optionally give a salary.

  0 356
  2 315 4.20 6 1

will sign free agent #356 for league minimum and player #315 for 6 years with a deal valued at 4.20 million with a 30% pro-rated bonus.

Side Effects: None

TEAMSWAP: swap two teams in roster list

Following the reorder line should be the two teams you wish to swap positions of. This is useful for relegation, if you decide to do this by hand.


Will swap Washington and Oregon on the team list.

Side Effects: Any tournaments and non-conference games (in college) will be messed up.

TOURNEYS: set the allowed list of tournaments (college basket/manager/hockey only)

This command will set the list of allowed tournaments. After the tourneys line should be a list of all teams that are allowed to host tournaments, with the starting date followed by the team name. A DONE line finishes the listing. In CBasket, the start date must be 1 or 3. In CManager, it must be between 20 and 30. No value is used for CHockey.

  1 Washington
  3 Florida St
  1 Wash St

Will allow tournaments beginning on day 1 for Washington and Washington State, and on day 3 for Florida State. "TOURNEY" templates can then be sent in by these teams to actually schedule the events.

Side Effects: If a team has already sent tournament seeds, and you remove it from the tournament list, those seeds will still be set. Thus you could mess things up if there are over 80 (basket)/40 (manager) total tournaments entered.

TOURNLIST: list the allowed tournaments (college basket/manager only)

This command will list off all the tournaments, in the format described above in the TOURNEYS description.

Side Effects: none.

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