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DEL Time: 08:20
Player Stats

  • QB: passing attempts (PA), completions (P), yards (PY), and TDs (PTD); rushing attempts and scrambles (R), yards (RY), and TDs (RTD); interceptions (Int); sacks (Sck); run blocks made (Blk) and attempted (BA). A quarterback's Avg rating is his efficiency, defined as follows. For pro, there are four factors:
    • 5 * ( Completions per Pass Attempt - 0.3 )
    • 20 * ( Touchdowns per Pass Attempt )
    • 0.25 * ( Yards per Pass Attempt - 3 )
    • 25 * ( 0.095 - Interceptions per Pass Attempt)
    All four factors are restricted to a range of 0.0 to 2.375, then are added, divided by six, and multiplied by 100 to produce the QB rating. If none of the limits (0.0 - 2.375) come into play, the rating is given simply by:
    • 2.08 + ( 83.3*Comp + 333*TDs + 4.17*Yards - 417*Ints) / Attempts
    For college quarterbacks, a different formula is used:
    • ( 100*Comp + 330*TDs + 4.84*Yards - 200*Ints) / Attempts
    The college rating will nearly always give a higher number.
  • Other offensive players: receiving attempts (PA), completions (P), yards (PY), and TDs (PTD); rushing attempts (R), yards (RY), and TDs (RTD); fumbles (Int); sacks allowed (Sck); blocks made (Blk) and attempted (BA). A lineman's Avg is his block percentage; other players have total yards per play (rushing and receiving).
  • Defense: tackles attempted (TA) and made (Tck); fumbles caused (Fmb); sacks (Sck); times thrown at (PA) passes batted but not intercepted (Bat); interceptions (Int). Average is tackling average. Note that it is low for linemen because they are interfered with by the offensive line.
  • Kickers: punts (Pnt), solid punts (SPn), punt yards (PY), punts inside the 20 (I20), and punts for touchbacks (TB); field goals attempted (FGA) and made (FGM); kickoffs (KO), kickoff yards (KOY), and kickoff touchbacks (TB). Average is yards per punt or kickoff.

Player Abilities

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • Ps: Position
  • Ag/Yr: Player's age (pro) or year in school (college)
  • Sp: Speed
    This refers to the raw speed of a player, similar to a 40 yard time. The fast player will better make/avoid open-field blocks and tackles, will run/defend medium and long passes better, and will win footraces to the end zone. For long passes, speed can be even more important than passing. Speed will be crucial for CB and SF on defense, and WR on offense. It will also be important for DT, OLB, TB, TE, and QB. For a kicker, the number listed here is the leg strength - how far he kicks the ball.
  • Wt: Weight
    The weight ability tells not just the weight of a player, but how strong he is. The high weight player will make better blocks and tackles in line situations. The ability is slightly less important than the blocking abilities in blocking situations, but less important than the rushing ability in tackling. All linemen should have high weight, as well as TE and FB. Defensive players who plan to blitz should also have high weight. For a kicker, the number listed here is the kicking accuracy, which affects field goals, kicking to the #2 kick returner, and punting inside the 20.
  • Rs: Rushing (off) or tackling (def)
    This is essentially the ability to make/avoid a tackle. The high rushing defender will make more tackles, tackle sooner, and cause more fumbles. The high rushing ball carrier will break more tackles, get an extra yard here and there, and make fewer fumbles.
  • Ps: Passing (QB), receiving (other off), or pass defense (def)
    A useful ability of course for QB, WR, and CB; the primary passer, receiver, and defender. Having a good catching TE or RB can also be of great use, and the defender needs a good defending SF or OLB to cover.
  • PB: Arm strength (QB) or pass blocking (other)
    This is the ability to block on passing plays, except for QB. This will of course be the most critical for linemen. Also it is useful for RBs if you like to keep them back to pass block. For QB, this is the distance throwing ability, and is used in long passes. For a defender, this will help him fight off a block on a passing play (i.e. rush the QB).
  • RB: Run blocking
    This is the ability to block on rushing plays, except for QB. This will of course be the most critical for linemen. Also it is useful for FBs and TEs, who can lead block on plays if you wish. (PB+RB) is also a general blocking measure which is added into the blocking equations for both pass and run blocking. For defense, this is the ability to fight off a block on a running play.
  • In: Intelligence
    Intelligence is an all-around useful ability. It doesn't actually make a player any more talented, it just makes him play better. The first place is that intelligent players create fewer penalties of all types. On defense, an intelligent player will be able to see through a trick play and make a good play. Especially on things like reverses, this can mean the difference between a 3 yard loss and a 15 yard gain. A smart offensive lineman will pick up a blitz better. A smart QB will find the open receiver. A smart receiver will pick apart a zone or negate a defender's speed. A smart rusher will find the most open hole to run through.
  • St: Stamina
    Stamina is an ability that helps your team remain rested. This is useful in two situations. One is if your WR or TB makes a long play, he will get tired. If his stamina is high enough, he may be able to remain in the game instead of sitting out a play. The other situation is the slow tiring of all players (especially linemen) over the course of a game. Both cases are magnified in cases of hot or cold weather.
  • Tr: Training level
    A player's training level is shown on a scale from 0-25, and shows a player's level of development. The 0-25 scale spans the whole scale from pee-wees up through the NBA. A solid college player should be at or above 10, while a seasoned NBA veteran should be over 20. Note that the level shown here is only a composite of the player's level of training at the different abilities.
  • Injury: estimated number of games for healing; XX is a career-ending injury.
  • Spec: Specialty (S=short yardage, L=long yardage, R=red zone, G=goal line, H=hurry-up)
  • R: Redshirt status (R=current redshirt, *=past redshirt, X=neither, but has played, -=none of the above; college only)
  • S: Scholarship status (S=on scholarship; -=not on scholarship; college only) For incoming recruits, "S" means that the player will want playing time
  • Rank: Player ranking (A through F) and preferred position. These use the ranking system used by computer teams, so given the lack of success of those teams these should really only be used by rookie coaches to get a general idea of who's good and who isn't, and what positions they may be best suited for. No differentiation is made between the different positions on the offensive and defensive lines; players who are recommended to play offensive line will have OL and those for defensive line DL.

Player Salaries
(pro only)

  • Num, Name: Player's ID number and name
  • Ps: Position
  • Salry: Salary per season under current contract
  • Bonus: Bonus per season under current contract and type (PR=pro-rated bonus paid with each game; UF=up-front bonus paid at time of signing).
  • Value-Yr: Value and remaining years of current contract. If between seasons, the remaining years does not count the just-ended season.
  • Reneg-Yr-PerY: Renegotiation demand, maximum years he will sign for, and minimum salary per year for long contracts. ----- under reneg means the player will not sign at all; - under years means he will sign for any length of time.
  • If a player qualifies for a minor league contract for next season, it is noted, as well as the number of seasons remaining. If he is not signed for next season, this is noted. If he cannot be traded (because he is no longer under contract or he was signed as a free agent), this is noted. Finally, franchise players are listed here.

Team Stats

There are two sets of team stats: offense and defense. For stats are what your players have done; against stats are what you opponent has done.

The stats listed are passing attempts/completions, yards, and TDs; rushing attempts, yards, and TDs; sacks; interceptions; and fumbles. Note that a QB sack or scramble counts in the QBs rushing stats, but on the team's passing stats.

DEL Cup leagues have additional categories at the beginning of the line: number of tournaments played, number of championships won, series won and lost, and games won and lost (which equals series won and lost because the "series" in football are best-of-one).

Analysis Notes

The analysis page breaks down a team's stats by position, giving raw values (ie, completion percentage) and a comparison with other teams in the league on a scale from 0 to 10. Offensive stats shown are pass completion average, yards per pass attempt, yards per rush, and block average. Offensive linemen are rated by block average and sack average. Defensive stats are tackling, pass defense, interceptions, sacks, and fumbles. Kicking stats are punt and kickoff distances and field goal averages.

Scouting Notes

The scouting notes in box scores list various interesting stats from each game. Stats are shown overall and broken down by situation, and listed for the team with the ball.

  • Rushing stats are broken down by hole: strong sweep, strong off-tackle, middle, weak off-tackle, and weak sweep. For each, the average blocking rating (0 is worst; 10 best), number of rushes through the hole, average gain, number of tackles for no gain or loss, and number of 10+ yard gains is shown. The best use of this is to determine strengths and weaknesses in the lines; a lot of 10+ yard gains also indicates a weak spot in the defensive backfield.
  • Overall pass protection stats are given, with the average protection rating (again 0 to 10), number of sacks, and number of scrambles.
  • Specific passing stats are broken down by receiver (1 is the eligible receiver closest to the strong sideline; 5 is the closest to the weak sideline) and by zone (shallow passes are up to 9 yards; deep are 10+ yards; again the numbering begins from the strongside). Shallow zones 1 and 5 are generally covered by backs (unless using a 3- or 4-deep zone); the inner shallow zones are generally covered by linebackers. Each time a receiver runs a route, these stats are tallied for both the receiver number and the zone (regardless of if the defense is in man or zone coverage). Stats shown are the average route distance, separation from defender, and pass quality (combination of distance and completion liklihood). Also shown are the number of times the receiver/zone was thrown to, the number of completions and interceptions, and the average gain per completion. These stats are most useful in finding soft spots in the defensive coverage; they are also useful for spotting which receivers are thrown to the most and which are open the most (hopefully the same).

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