Q: For some reason when I send my template to the e-mail command reader,
the message comes up saying league "" is unknown. Why is this happening?
A: You are probably formatting your header wrong. You need to list the
league, team, and password as follows:
League: CBEL
Team: yourteamname
Password: yourpassword
Another possibility is that the program you are using to send e-mail is
causing problems. Many e-mail programs send the text in html rather than
plain text; this must be disabled when sending things to the command
reader. Also, some programs put odd characters at the ends of lines (= and
=20 seem to be common), also something that must be disabled. If you
cannot force your e-mail program to send plain text, then you should try
the web-based command reader.
Q: I get a "nothing to do" message when sending in commands. What causes
A: Nothing to do means that the template reader interpreted your header
(league, team, and password) properly, but no command was found. If you
are making a coaching template, you need a TEMPLATE line. If you are
sending cuts, you need a CUTS line. And so on. A properly formatted
template command would look as follows:
League: CBEL
Team: yourteamname
Password: yourpassword
(put your template here)