
Player Stats

Goalie Stats

Player Abilities

Player Salaries

Team Stats

There are two sets of team stats: for and against. For stats are what your players have done; against stats are what you opponent has done.

The stats listed are the same as player stats, plus four categories:

DEL Cup leagues have additional categories at the beginning of the line: number of tournaments played, number of championships won, series won and lost, and games won and lost (which equals series won and lost because the "series" in soccer are best-of-one).

Analysis Notes

The analysis page breaks down a team's scoring, assists, points, shooting percent, tackling percent, and block percent by position. These numbers are also compared with the league as a whole, with a scale from 0 to 10 given.


Once training camps are completed, your job will switch from being a team's general manager (getting players) to being the coach (preparing for games). This section covers your options for pre-game preparations.
The options menu gives most of your ability to control your team.

The roster order can be set freely in Soccer. The only rule is that the starters will be preferentially taken from higher on the roster list, so you should list players at each position in order of skill from best to worst.

There are six situations, which will be covered in detail later, for which you can set options for how you want your team to play.

You get five kick lists, where you can select players to take corner kicks (a pass), short free kicks (on goal), long free kicks (generally a long pass), indirect free kicks (always a pass), and penalty kicks (on goal). Players listed higher will get priority. For all but penalty kicks, you really only need to make sure the list contains one player on the field at all times. For penalty kicks, you need at least five. The copy option will copy the corner kick list to the long FK and IFK lists, and the short FK list to the PK list.

The training options set what your team will work on before the game, and are shooting, passing, defense, set plays, conditioning, and films. You can set up to 6 training points to be used, but the more you train the more your team will be fatigued.

Situational Coaching
For each situation, you can set many options to specify how your team will play. The situations are as follows: Personnel gives the players at SW, DF, MF, and FD (in order). The personnel choice for situation 2 (1st half and within 1 goal) will determine how many players from each situation are set as starters. Posture will push your players up or down the field on average, either helping your team attack (at the expense of defense) or vice versa. Attack speed allows you to trade off between a fast attack and a low-turnover game. Offside trap changes the amount that you try to get the other team offsides, from 5 (the most) to 1 (never). Aggressiveness sets your team's aggressiveness on defense, from 1 (least: few fouls, less effective) to 5 (most).

You have four choices for ball movement: short passing, long ball, one-touch, and one player. Short passing is a high possession game, where you try to slowly work the ball up the field. One-touch is a faster-paced version of that, which gets more breakaways and more turnovers. Long ball tries to send the ball deep when possible, and is useful if you don't have a very strong midfield. One-player will give the ball to one player (preferably the sweeper or a handler) and have him advance the ball as long as possible.

There are two defensive choices: full zone and man free. A full zone is what you expect, with SW and DF closest to the goal, MF next out, and FD the furthest. Man free is the same, except that one player is taken out of the zone to play man defense, generally against the best opposing player. You set this matchup with the matchup option.

A detailed control of subs is essential, as you only have three subs per game (including injury). You can define up to 15 substitution patterns, each of which contains a list of players that can be pulled, a list of replacements, two situations that the replacement can be sent in for, and the maximum number of subs to be sent in for that pattern. The "Auto" option will prompt for a position, and set the lists of players, with the best players at the position (presumably the starters) being the players to pull and the worst the players to send in.
Matchups and Assignments
Here you choose the defensive matchups if using a free man defense. You can select either a player or a position (the computer will pick the best player at the position during the game). If you select players, the computer will activate the first matchup for which both players are on the field as the man-man matchup.

A number of optional assignments for each player are possible. You can set what the minimum rest level for a player to start, and what side you will try to use him on. You can also designate a player as being a striker (will be more likely to get the ball in the box), a handler (will be used in a one-man attack) and/or a passer (will be used in a passing attack).

Other Options
You may also change a player's position, look at the opposing team's stats, and load or save the coaching options from the coaching menu. If you change a player's position, he will suffer a performance penalty for a few games until he learns the new position.

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